Hack your classroom - Are you on board?

Bring it on! Hack your classroom is go! The plan is cover a range of topics over the next nine weeks. Here is a tentative timeline.

NB. I am very keen to include guest posts or share your blogs as well - just email your post or link at claire@hobsonvillepoint.school.nz

Week One: Developing a growth mindset
  • Developing a growth mindset
  • Turning a growth mindset into a hacker one

Week Two: Putting learners at the centre...hacker style
  • Getting to know your learners - hacker style

Week Three: Intro to Design Thinking
  • Bringing design thinking into the classroom (I don't pretend to be an expert...you can learn with me)
  • Evolving design thinking - from Standford, Nueva to HPSS via the NZC

Week Four: Intro to Maker Culture
  • Making every classroom a maker space

Week Five: From e-learning to blended learning to deep learning
  • Ideas for blending leaning without 1:1 devices (or even wifi)

Week Six: Hacking teaching to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Intro to Universal Design for Learning for all (Again. I don't pretend to be an expert...you ca learn with me)
  • Intro to differentiation in a blended age

Week Seven: Handing the power over to the learners
  • How to let you students co-construct a unit, a course, a task without your HOD kicking your butt!

Week Eight: Going free range and developing robust self-direction
  • Tips for going free-range within the confines of a cage...
  • and anything else you suggest...or takes my fancy along the way.

Week Nine: Developing adaptive expertise and making 'hacking your classroom' infectious!
  • Sharing ideas about what to do next...
  • How we can shift others?
  • How can we keep evolving?

This may evolve throughout the term. If you are keen to write a guest post on any of these topics or something related, please get in touch!

If you are joining the #hackyrclass project and have a blog, please email me your blog address and I will add a #hackyrclass blogroll to spread the love.


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